Monday 14 October 2024

The Peninsular War using Google Earth

Really shows how much the war went back and forth and how long it was static at some points.

It's pretty obvious when there's a big battle too.

Saturday 28 September 2024

Google now allows you to make a podcast based on...anything. So here's my last battlereport

So you can now make a AI podcast of...anything.

NotebookLM of my last big battle report

I suspect this won't show how good my battle report is, but does show how bad most pod casts are if AI can copy them to...effortlessly.

The AI does think -  it works out the ideas and works out what I was planning, doing and did. It's AI analyses is scarily accurate and perfectly captures the NPR two person report on something and reminds me of why you wargame in the first place. 

Tuesday 21 May 2024

Glory is Fleeting on Wargame Vault for pay what you want (or free!)

 On Wargame Vault, the FULL rules for Glory is Fleeting are now available, The 100+  Army Lists for...well EVERYONE in Napoleonic warfare are also there.

Main page here.


Glory is Fleeting is a set of Napoleonic Rules to recreate in miniature the wars of the French Revolution and Napoleonic period.  These rules are an evolution of the Field of Glory (Napoleonic) rule-set, developed by the same authors who wrote FOG(N) version 2. 

Glory is a corps level game suitable for pick-up causal games and to recreate historical battles. It is also a robust set of rules suitable for points based competitive games.  

Printed versions of the rules can be purchased through Amazon. However for those who don't need a bound rulebook, or are just interested in a read, they are available here in .pdf form (pay what you want) or alternatively they can be downloaded for free from the active Glory is Fleeting Facebook page. 

A comprehensive set of (over 160) army lists are also available from Amazon (printed and bound) or in .pdf format from Wargames Vault (pay what you want) or the Facebook page (free).

Lastly, an army list builder and QRS are available for download on the Facebook page.   

 Army Lists:

This volume is a comprehensive set of over 160 Army lists fir the Glory is Fleeting Napoleonic Rules.

These army lists are also available in printed and bound book form through Amazon.  They are available here in .pdf form (pay what you want) or can be downloaded for free from the active Glory is Fleeting facebook page. 

Please note this volume contains lists only, the rules themselves are available in a separate volume (also available here in 'pay what you want' pdf form, or in pdf form for free on the Glory is Fleeting Facebook page, or available in printed book form from Amazon).  

There is also an army list builder and QRS are available free from the Facebook page.   

Sunday 12 May 2024

Rangers of Shadowdeep...the movie? Or maybe a 10 part series?

Nothing beyond it's been optioned. 

Beyond it being optioned, there is no other news in this very low video that goes out of its way to muffle its way through blather and no indication whatsoever of any funding, story, script, ideas, pitch or budget. 

I very much doubt it will ever happen, but it's news I didn't think I'd ever hear.

The Catalyst Games Labs shipping manager should have Urbie LAM dropped from orbit onto their head

BattleTech: Salvage Box: Urbanmech LAM 1x $47.00
Cost summary Subtotal $47.00
Shipping $220.00
Total AUD $267.00

someone who is good at the economy please help me budget this. my family is dying



Guess I'll wait till MilSims get a copy I can buy.

Monday 6 May 2024

So I just discovered a wargaming club in the suburb next door

 Simpson Barracks Gaming Group 

It's a Facebook group (ugh) but it's RIGHT NEXT DOOR. Well OK, 10 minutes drive. Into an active army base, but still.

I don't think there's many (any?) Napoleonic wargames played there but they do a Flames of Wars championship every year. I knew someone did that, but I didn't know it was an ongoing club. 

Hmm looks like I might need to get ANOTHER army - 15mm WW2. Would I get 1941 Commonwealth in the desert or late war Russian Tank Army invading  liberating the Reich? 

I tried to join but the Facebook page says you need to answer a question, but no question is asked so I am unable to answer the question that cannot be asked. If this is a riddle I fail the test :(


Saturday 4 May 2024

Role Playing in the age of Sharpe! And what I'm currently reading

Duty and Honour and Beat to Quarters are two role playing games that appear to be Sharpe the role playing game. There is also Dragon Brigade: Opening Salvo from Dragonlance fame Margaret Weis.

I shall have to acquire them.

I'm reading Wellington as Military Commander and I can see how you could make it a Fantasy RPG. 

Imperial Elves (as the French) invading the traditional and hidebound and stubborn Dwarfs (Spanish) Peninsula while a small Human contingent from Bad Cav Island come to help their ancient Half Elf allies (of Portugal). Ancient Fortresses and hidden dungeons fill a land full of lurking dangers and ancient secretes. Adventure...awaits!

Saturday 23 March 2024

Not great, not terrible: League of Ancients Glory is Fleeting March 2024 tournament results

 I could only play 2 games for the first day (children birthday parties take precedence these days) and I got two draws, with both a loss on points. I did not get an actual LOSS, which when playing against other players who have much more experience than I do, I can take as a small positive.

At the end of the first day I was placed 7th, or 4th last.

The first battle I forgot the classic Napoleonic strategy: use combined arms. Something that is...hard with a British army that insists on not having mixed divisions. I placed my elite British division to outflank the enemy army, while moving the Portuguese and Cavalry divisions to fix his line in place. The Spanish sat back and defended the LOC.

And this plan lasted right up to the point of enemy contact

...And then he put his cavalry divisions (two of them!) to face my British Division. I had forced marched after arriving turn 2 (should have done it turn 1). My elite troops passed on all their force march rolls...and then got stuck facing 3 cavalry brigades.

Napoleonic infantry cannot advance against enemy cavalry.

I was able to use the attached artillery batteries to batter his cavalry down, but I couldn't move forward very fast. I ended up CHARGING his cavalry with my infantry, which didn't work. Without an attached cavalry brigade to exploit it, or a cavalry division right next to it, I couldn't push to his LOC before he reached my front line Portuguese, who were then outnumbered. 

I also made the same mistake the British commander did at Battle of Albuera where I left a infantry brigade out of square right next to a enemy cavalry unit on my flank. A stupid mistake that wiped out 2 of the 3 Portuguese brigades.

I was able to us my cavalry to slow HIS other flank down, but not enough to prevent it getting to my defence line, but I still don't understand how to do it, even while his cavalry did it to me at the same time. :(

Having an elite corps commander wasn't worth the points in either game-  if I had a 2nd small cavalry division with the British troops (if I can afford it), it might have gone better.

Edit- it DID allow me to go on the attack each time, and BLOCK the enemy flank attack. Which is dumb that I had a large Portuguese infantry unit designed for defence! If I have an elite corps commander, I am likely to be on the attack AND able to choose the battleground terrain,  Something a Skilled Corps commander may not get. I am certain both times the enemy general wanted to do a flank attack, but was foiled by my elite corps commander. Therefore, I need to assume when using a skilled or competent corps commander, I will be attacked in the flank.

The 2nd game was closer...this time I paired the British Calvary on the flank of the British Infantry, with the Portuguese holding the centre and the Spanish the far flank, covered by Terrain. So I could use the Cavalry to directly support the Infantry this time.

I made a somewhat risky charge with my cavalry and broke two of his units...but a large unit passed it's morale tests and just stood in square on top of his LOC and blocked me from going anywhere near it. My infantry with attached artillery got 1 turn to shoot it before having to about face and engage the arriving enemy reinforcements. 

I then got 1 turn of winning the skirmish battle...but it was 1 turn left to go and I had to attack before the skirmishers impacted the enemy infantry and artillery units. I had 5 skirmish markers across his entire line including his two heavy artillery units.  I attacked with my large Portuguese into enemy heavy artillery and it ended in a slaughter. I don't have the time to win the skirmish fight. Which is supposed to be one of the great strengths of the British army in the Peninsula! 

I also didn't place both small infantry units with the attached artillery TOGETHER, so they couldn't shoot the same target, meaning they didn't do much of anything shooting at 2 different large targets. 

Light infantry now move through rough terrain without a problem. Would have been useful in the 2nd game where my large elite British unit got stuck. If I need to block enemy movement, use difficult terrain instead.

Post battle thoughts:

Defense units like the Spanish need LARGE units. So many times in the 2nd game I did nothing when attacking defending large enemy units, and they need to be large to fight off large enemy cavalry units. The small units can hold off enemy cavalry but not defeat them. A unit of fresh Spanish Lancers would be helpful to take advantage of it too, but is expensive. 

British trained Liner (skirmish) troops attack too slowly. You double move to close to the enemy...and STOP at 6.00001 inches. Out of bombardment AND skirmish range. Then you spend the next turn advancing....4 inches closer to 2.00001. Meaning you are now in bombardment range and skirmish range...but out of charge or volley range still. Then on the 3rd can advance into volley range or charge. Which isn't much use if you haven't had the luck to get one turn to degrade the enemy first! And you won't have enough attached artillery batteries to do much AND you can't afford the elite light troops to win the skirmish battle either! 

Conclusion: British trained skirmish liner troops are much better on the defence.They move too slowly to the attack - the enemy will either be able to attack you first, or simply move 3 inches BACK out of charge range again! AND you must have more artillery (ha!) or more skirmishers (which is only going to be equal vs reformed troops!).

I don't think having a large British unit helped or was needed, and just cluttered up my attack. Superior Veteran troops are enough.

Superior Veteran troops are perfectly capable of force marching and can be used on a flank march turn 1.

I need a small cavalry division to either guard one flank OR support the main attack. 

Enemy cavalry divisions seem to have settled on only having 2 units, so one large unit and one rear support unit should be enough.

Having 4 British units in one division got in the way, one unit always didn't do much. A cheaper Portuguese unit for support would do, perhaps a small veteran one. 

Having a charismatic corps commander didn't help much in either game, but might have been useful still. Both battles, the elite corps commander allowed me to attack on my own plan...which then didn't work very well. 

When using terrain to anchor your line, it needs to be difficult, not rough. Rough won't slow down light infantry at ALL, and cavalry can move through it easily enough.

A Revised army list

See after the cutoff

Thursday 21 March 2024

Music for vlogging

 If I ever get around to making video battle reports, I need to look at  using Music for Video Library. I will need to become a patreon too to get protection to use them on YouTube. 

One key is NOT having a long intro. Ideally a voice over, with music with a picture from the preview screencap and scrolling text introduction to the battle. It needs to be clear it's a wargame, if it's based on a real event or not,who are the combatants and what game system are we using, NO fastforward should be needed!

Also add a BAH-WAH or something.

Saturday 16 March 2024

Army list for League of Ancients Glory is Fleeting March 2024 tournament

 In a few weeks the League of Ancients will have a Glory is Fleeting tournament, Above is my list.

The Corps Commander is the Duke of Wellington himself. Able to pass command points to the Spanish if needed (that cost 2 for 1 point applied), he must be charismatic so  will also join in in the crucial charge needed or to rally an important unit. 

The 1st Division is the attacking division. It should be able to defeat nearly any other infantry division.The large brigade is in the middle and the two British units on either side, able to use their attached artillery to target what the Highlanders will be charging, The KGL unit directly supports the charge or acts as a flank guard and division reserve.

The Portuguese Division moves up with the 1st Division and guards one flank with it's higher number of skirmishers. One brigade stays behind as a reserve or extra flank guard. They should not attack themselves initially as they lack any artillery but can help pin down the enemy line with the attached light infantry companies. The large unit can be used to hold Strong-points and towns.

The Cavalry Division moves up on the other flank of the 1st Division to guard it's other more open flank. The Portuguese Cavalry are the reserve and stay behind the other two as direct support. Their charismatic commander will go in with chargers and help rally them afterwards.

The allied Spanish Division is to guard the Line of Communication only. The Provincial Levies stay behind the two conscript units and give them direct support and a morale bonus - equivalent to drilled level of morale. Their attached Spanish Cavalry will hopefully allow them to drive off enemy skirmishers. 

Any attack must be done at full speed with force. The 1st Division must break the enemy line before the rest of the army is outnumbered. If the enemy has an artillery brigades in the middle of their line, I need to use the Portuguese with their skirmish attachments or the cavalry to lengthen the front line to break the enemy line of battle up.

On the defence, I need to use hills and reverse slope to hide my infantry from the inevitable enemy artillery brigades. The 1st Division needs to move to block the main enemy attack, and ideally counter attack it. The Portuguese hold one flank, the cavalry the other, with the Spanish as the corps reserve (possibly directly supporting the 1st Division in a counter attack). 


On the defence in Foothills, take the one road and town and use in my half of the table to prevent flanking attacks down the road from the side.

Block Flank, Frontal Assault and Prepared attack missions (4,6,5) in that order.

Frontal and Prepared Assault: 1st Division attacks and charges. 2nd Div protects its flank, Cavalry the other. Spanish hold the LOC. 

Flank Attack: 1st Division flanks. 2nd moves to support, Cavalry hold other flank and Spanish the LOC.

Probe: Only use if enemy flank march has been blocked. 1st Division on table, Portuguese in reserve. Cavalry reinforce the more open flank.

Flexible Defense: Hold 1st Division in reserve. Place units in reverse slope. Place 1st Portuguese large unit in strongpoint.

Positioned Defense: Put 1 town and road, and place road to town to prevent flank marchers. Use 1st  Portuguese in strongpoint. Place other units on a  reverse slope.  

ChatGPT Says:

This plan emphasizes aggressive, coordinated attacks with the 1st Division as the spearhead, supported by the Portuguese and cavalry divisions. The Spanish division plays a defensive role, guarding the Line of Communication and providing support. The plan leverages Wellington's charisma and leadership to inspire and rally troops in critical moments.