Saturday, 5 December 2020

A new plan December 2020

 So after getting decisively defeated several times, it's obvious I need more practice. And I don't know anyone at my level of experience or ability who has an army I can borrow.

 Therefore, the best plan is to go ahead and buy one. But my eyesight is so bad painting isn't very enjoyable.

 So I've calculated it out, and I think I can afford a British and OPFOR French Peninsula army from from Stonewall Figures.

I've got one brigade of light infantry from them, and I think the remaining Anglo-Portuguese army would be about $400 Australian, and the French OPFOR about $500-600. I'd want to give them a wash and still need to base them, but I think thats the way to go.


My  current idea for the army

The 1st division is the main line of defence. The two Portuguese units act as the 2nd line of the brigade. If I can use static defence the militia occupies one of them, and the Spanish Guerrillas the other. 

The Light division is the initial reserve. I need to NOT commit them until I know where the enemy advance is. They must be able to lengthen the line and flank the enemy. 

The "Guards" division is the army reserve. They must be held back until the decisive moment. Do not commit them to the main line until the fighting has started. 

If doing a envelope then the Light Division comes onto a flank. As a probe it is the first division on the field and must hold the line or delay the enemy until the reserve (1st division) arrives and the "Guards" division hears the sound of the guns.

It's called the "Guards" division because it had a guards battalion, but I have since read they only worked in one brigade together, so should be not in it with one brigade. 

Another idea is two infantry and one cavalry. This has a higher break \-point and a dedicated artillery unit.

And as of the end of December, also this. More infantry, no dedicated artillery unit.



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Thank you for the comment on my blog! May your dice never desert you and your tactical abilities be as good as your posting is! Never stop posting.