Sunday, 26 November 2023

The future of AI

Totally off topic here.

I have been watching James Burke's connections from the 1970's and used...a connection to watch James Burke – Internet Knowledge.

This was all filmed 30 years ago, but around the 33 minute mark, he explains how AI in 2023 is created and used. 30 years ago. He thinks  he's describing how brains and changes work, but its the same process that AI's in  the 2020's have used all the knowledge of the internet to build engines of something that describe ideas and arguments.

And we're almost at the point almost where AIs will start making new connections and understand it's a new thing. OpenAI's recent removal last week and reinstatement of their CEO was all about this...fear. And possibility of change.

And his central thesis is we can't predict the future because the ripples of change of two ideas coming together to make a 3rd, NEW idea, is unpredictable. And makes things interesting.

We're going to live in interesting times. I just hope the AI overlords, can like our jokes.

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