Friday, 22 April 2022

I really want to play SpellJammer one day


 SpellJammer is back - link to tweet (and somewhat crappy video)

Rutibex posted:

Spelljammer has its own issues as a D&D setting. I've honestly never got it to work as well as a grounded campaign. Giving the PCs a spaceship and access to the whole world really limits what you can do with logistics and random encounters and dungeons.

What on Toril are you talking about!? Spelljammers work the same way as the Enterprise does in Star Trek: It moves at the speed of plot. Like every other vessel or mode of transport in any story ever.

First - listen to this music -

On Noes! The Space Dragon has attacked! We must stop to repair our ship at this island/asteroid/dead space titan/Where the fuck are we today. Now our party of Elf 18th century Elven Imperial Royal Navy Hornblower, Late 19th century Hippo with a Maxim Gun, Halfling castaway whose most certainly not a cannibal and some human not being Johnny Depp must band together and rescue the native princess from a Xenomorph-Space-Hamster in Not-Stevastopol-Station! And they need to put the Xenomorph in a museum run by a 10,000 old Lich who likes collecting things to stop the not-nazi Space Orks from getting it first!

And it both starts AND ends at a cliffhanger every time.

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