Monday, 16 August 2021

The top 25 wargaming blogs (oh rly?)

 I submitted my blog to and I'm actually number 22 of

Top 25 Wargaming Blogs and Websites

I do not consider myself the 22nd most important or useful wargaming blog.  But there are some blogs I need to check out on that list I wasn't aware of, so that's nice. Sadly, I'm equal 2nd in posting average right now, but I hope to learn from my these blogs.

If any readers (who is not a necron) have any blogs they would recommend, I'd be glad to check them out, and if relevant to me, I would add them to my blog list.Note you CAN follow me on Feedspot, though I think it's more readable here, but I don't have more than 1 follower.

I can't do much battle reports with the COVID lockdowns, but I plan on doing solo battle reports for FOGN, Rangers of Shadow Deep (which is designed for solo play!) and much later, Oathmark.


Note I did not pay to be put on this list.


  1. Blogs of war has a pretty solid feed of blogs. It doesn't appear that anything has been updated in terms of new blogs, or trimming old blogs, for a long time, but it doesn't actually matter.

    1. I've submitted my blog and added it to the left list...last update....

      7 Years ago :(

      I'm afraid my blog is not going to be added anytime shorter than the Napoleonic Wars lasted!

    2. Hah, yes. It was a long time ago I also tried to get added. It probably wouldn't actually be that hard to recreate that blog with an active administrator...


Thank you for the comment on my blog! May your dice never desert you and your tactical abilities be as good as your posting is! Never stop posting.