I submitted my blog to https://blog.feedspot.com/wargaming_blogs/ and I'm actually number 22 of
Top 25 Wargaming Blogs and Websites
I do not consider myself the 22nd most important or useful wargaming blog. But there are some blogs I need to check out on that list I wasn't aware of, so that's nice. Sadly, I'm equal 2nd in posting average right now, but I hope to learn from my these blogs.
If any readers (who is not a necron) have any blogs they would recommend, I'd be glad to check them out, and if relevant to me, I would add them to my blog list.Note you CAN follow me on Feedspot, though I think it's more readable here, but I don't have more than 1 follower.
I can't do much battle reports with the COVID lockdowns, but I plan on doing solo battle reports for FOGN, Rangers of Shadow Deep (which is designed for solo play!) and much later, Oathmark.
Note I did not pay to be put on this list.
Blogs of war has a pretty solid feed of blogs. It doesn't appear that anything has been updated in terms of new blogs, or trimming old blogs, for a long time, but it doesn't actually matter.
I've submitted my blog and added it to the left list...last update....
Delete7 Years ago :(
I'm afraid my blog is not going to be added anytime shorter than the Napoleonic Wars lasted!
Hah, yes. It was a long time ago I also tried to get added. It probably wouldn't actually be that hard to recreate that blog with an active administrator...