Sunday, 9 February 2025

I need another AT-Rifle, and I need to get some Bad Squiddo infantry!

For my new army list in the last post, I need one more Boys Anti-Tank rifle. I could use one of the 8th army I have, but they won't match, and that will just not do. I already ordered some more support and infantry from Slaves2Gaming Bardia range, so I'll need to order more next week. Until then, one of the spare Bren gunners will do. 

What I also need to get is some of Bad Squddio women's WW2 range. Some I would want to get:

Vera Lynn as officer's assistant

 Pigeoneers for spotter assistants

Red Cross Nurses as medics

WRN Despatch Riders as spotter assistants

And the Home Defense army to go with the Dad's Army from Warlord games for a British Home Defense army and some lend lease Sherman's. 

Also at some point a Female Soviet army!

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