Sunday, 23 July 2023

What I was able to get ready after staying up till 2am for the GiF tournament

Build 2 redoubts (build, undercoat, paint, flock) - Got the base painted.

Base and Paint 8 skirmish figures (Some rifle, light, British, Portuguese and Spanish) - got 6 done.

Base and paint 3 competent Division commanders with one figure on the plate. - Not done

Paint and flock the bases of a a brigade of British Infantry  - Done!

Buy(!) 16 figures, undercoat, paint, base and flock a brigade of Spanish Guerrilla infantry - Done!

Took 3 hours or so. Glory awaits!

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Thank you for the comment on my blog! May your dice never desert you and your tactical abilities be as good as your posting is! Never stop posting.