Thursday, 23 January 2025

Undercoat and base coat of Matilida II's in the desert

I got all but one Army Painter SpeedPaint 2.0 from so I can start painting! Yay! One bottle was not in stock but it's being sent the same day everything else arrived. I'll need to use the 10% discount it came with next time to get some more colours to replace the old warpaints and speredpaint 1.0 I have.

 Undercoat (called Primer these days for some reason):

Undercoated Vallejo Bonewhite Spray Can

I started with an undercoat of Vallejo Bonewhite. I found it very easy to spray and put on, though it was a bit windy. It looked a bit thick when drying initially but came out fine.

Base coat:

I spent some time looking at Google Earth to see the colour of the sane around Bardia. Turns out it's either red or yellow depending on when the photo was taken.

Left tank is the wing-man tank, right tank the command tank, currently not painted beyond undercoat

The left one is painted in one coat of Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0 Pallid Bone. I found the paint very thin, practically a wash, but that worked out fine for what I was using it for.  It might not work for me when doing the infantry. Technically the tank's supposed to be painted in Caunter Scheme but that's WAY too advance for me, and by the time the tanks were in action with dust and sand it was covered up anyway and barley visible. By the middle of '41 they gave up trying to paint the dazzle camouflage and just went all sand anyway.

Turret painted on the right, unpainted on the left

I broke off one of the headlights from the command tank, and getting back on was very very hard. I dropped it once, and found one of the missing headlights for the other tank! So at least that has one headlight, even if's unpainted lead I tried to cover with the Pallid Bone.

The one on the left looks a bit darker, I did that one first and I'm not sure why. Maybe I needed to mix the bottle again more before doing the second one.

Next up: Paint details like the shovel, blankets, grenade launchers , lights front and back, exhaust and treads.

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