Saturday, 29 July 2023

Battle Report: Glory is Fleeting July 2023 tournament game 1: 1815 British Infantry Corps vs 1809-11 Anglo-Portuguese

Following the BATTLE OF WATERLOO, and the defeat of the EMPEROR NAPOLEON, The Duke of Wellington conducted some wargame exercises under new rules named GLORY IS FLEETING.


The rules are a vast upgrade from the previous FIELD OF GLORY NAPOLEONIC. The Duke watched as a a corps from his victorious army from the battle of Waterloo, faced off against one representing his old corps from the war in Spain and Portugal in 1811. 


As the Anglo-Portuguese army forms up in  a positional defence from entrenchments, the Corps from Waterloo attempts a flexible defence...

At the first official tournament for the new rules called GLORY IS FLEETING, my first of 2 games was against another British army of a later period- 1815 British Infantry Corps. Being a 100 days army it was actually made up of more foreigners than my own, with Dutch Cavalry and Hanoverian's rounding out a smaller elite British core.
There were I think 18 players from Australia and New Zealand, including the writers of the new rules and army list. I wish I'd had more time to ask more questions but I was glad I went. 

The battlefield, facing North East. The brown and green hill in the centre rear is a rough hill. The far left has a graveyard and chapel. The hills on my side to the the south (right) are gentle hills. 2 roads go down the centre and centre right. A smaller gentle hill is to the north in the centre near a small village.  Dutch Dragoons are coming down the centre road from the north, towards entrenchments a Portuguese brigade emplaced within them.

We rolled for location and I won, so Spain/Portugal it was.We both had skilled commanders and he blocked a flanking attack (Drat. I really wanted to use my Flank Division for it).  I wanted to use my entrenchments so picked Positional Defense. He picked Flexible Defense so I was the defender (both British armies picked a defender mission. Huh).

A road went down the centre to my free large defenders hill. A 2nd hill on my right flank with a rough hill on this side with another road going to a town. A churchyard was on my left flank and could act as a strongpoint. Another hill was on his back line and a stream in the far left corner (off camera) that didn't effect the battle. I put a road in the centre right to act as my Line of Communication to make it easier to defend.

As the defender I placed by Spanish Guerrillas in the Strongpoint. I figured they could act as a area denial, wouldn't matter much if I lost them, and had a chance to act as a distraction or make a run for his Line of Communication.  

I put my two entrenchments in front of my LOC and put the Portuguese Division in it, with one unit in reserve behind the two Lines of Torres Vedras. My Corps Commander went on top of the main hill because it was dramatic. I placed the Flank Division on the right, the 1st Division in the centre behind then large defending hill, and the Cavalry Division on their right, all in reverse slope (so they didn't deploy yet). 

The "enemy" army had a strong cavalry division of more heavy horse than I had (2 heavy dragoon units) and a light cavalry unit. I noted his LOC would perhaps be unguarded to my Spanish irregulars. Just like me, most of army was deployed in reverse slope so wouldn't appear to their first turn. 

I figured he'd have 1 division in reserve ready to come on, and 2 behind the hills, and would come down the centre of my line. I would keep my cavalry to face his and lure him into attacking my redoubts with the flank division outflanking his advance on the right and my 1st Division holding the left. I knew I had less heavy cavalry so would need to hold them off or fight them to a draw. My infantry would then win the day holding the high ground and pivot on the fortifications in the centre, forcing him to fight on a hill with rough terrain with disrupted units and cutting his firepower by half....

That was the plan...and no plan survives enemy contact....or my own memory.

Portuguese units in the Line of Torres Vedrus. Conscripts on the left, regular army troops in the centre and right. The 2 line infantry units have a skirmish attachment. The commander is competent. The very unfinished LOC is to their rear.

Most of the army is behind the reverse slope so isn't deployed until turn 1.

Looking towards the "enemy" advance units

Enemy Infantry on the (rough terrain) north ridge

The first enemy division to appear came over the north ridge, slowed down by the rough terrain on top of it. Five brigades with 2 batteries of artillery and an attached company of riflemen lead by a skilled general. One of the units has a brilliant commander attached to a rifle brigade. but looking at it now the division is going to be hard to rally I would think if under sustained attack. The rifle brigade is very expensive and very good at shooting. 

I just realized as I wrote this, is that if I'd engaged him WHILE HE WAS ON THAT ROUGH HILL, his firepower would be have been cut down by HALF!!!!  I had lured him into a trap to fight on ground of my own choosing....and forgot to fire my Death Stars Laser!

Enemy reinforcements come from reserve

The 2nd enemy infantry division was smaller- 4 units (one large, 3 small). They had 2 more artillery batteries. 

The Dutch cavalry division had 2 heavy dragoons and one light unit with an horse artillery battery attached.
My Corps HQ looks towards the enemy advance before retiring behind the hill

Doing what Wellington would do: keep the majority of the army in cover behind the hill lines

On my first turn, my units in the reverse slope appeared on the table. On the left I placed my Cavalry Division of 1 Super Heavy Shock Dragoons (with an attached Royal Horse Artillery battery), 1 Dashing Hussar unit, and 1 Poor Portuguese Dragoon unit in support. 

On the same hill to their left I placed my First Division: 2 large British Line brigades with an attached rifle battalion and Royal Artillery battery, 1 small Highlander regiment of foot and 1 Portuguese line infantry brigade.

On the far right flank I placed my Flank Division. The 95th Rifles, Loyal Lusteruian Legion, and a KGL brigade with riflemen and an artillery battery.

I hoped to lure the enemy to attack my obviously weakened centre, and then flank it with both divisions, or at least the Flank Division. 

My Cavalry would hold one flank secure.

First Division with British Line Infantry brigade in front, another behind and the Portuguese and Highlander regiments to their rear

I moved my Flank Division to meet up with the centre Portuguese entrenchments

And on their left, placed one of the large British Line brigades. One Portuguese regiment is in reserve.

The 1st Division forms a more solid line to their left.

The Cavalry Division splits off to be in a position to hold the gap between the graveyard and hill.

The Spanish Irregulars defend the graveyard and church. 

I didn't expect the Irregulars to do much, but holding the far left flank gave them a zone of some control, and might be in a position later to make a run for the enemy LOC.

The enemy division starts to cross the rough hill

The other infantry division advances to their support.

The enemy horse starts to move towards the gap.

My cavalry watch them approach.

As do the guerrillas.

The 95th Rifle Brigade and KGL observe from the eastern ridge line.

The enemy horse moves en-mass into the gap.

The enemy infantry line up in one enormous line of troops

It looks like my plan might work- if he advanced his whole line as one I'd be able to catch it in the sides, assuming I could hold his cavalry off. 

I had a choice to make. My horse was lighter in weight to his- I could probably win with the Heavy Dragoons but would lose with my Hussars vs his Dragoons. 

I could either leave the Portuguese (poor) light cavalry as rear support, or send them in as well to try and win the initial engagement. If I won, I would be spent and at a disadvantage later, but I might rout his units and cause a chaining failure cascade.

Very well. CHARGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cavalry charge and the enemy dragoons counter charge.

I moved up my Flank Division to be further forward to be in a position to flank the enemy infantry.

I thought at this point he was going to go forward against my weak centre, so placed my flank division in a position to...flank him.

I placed my centre more in line, with a reserve Portuguese regiment.

Same with the left, with the Highlander unit in reserve.

Battle ensues

He had more dice in his charge, with the heavy unit and rear support - 19 to15.

Needing 4+ to hit

He got more hits, but had to spread the damage around my 3 units while I only had 2. 12 to 10 is some good rolling for me. 

Note I was told I needed to drop hits that when you lost 1 out of 2 dice when wavering/disordered, but it rolls DOWN not UP (I worked that out next game) so I missed out on an extra hit here, but I don't think it changed much.

Note I have moved the Spanish Guerrillas out of the Graveyard - they are making a mad dash to the the enemy's line of communication far to the north. If they can get there in 3 turns, his LOC is broken and every morale roll gets +1 harder. Considering you need a 5+ roll on 2d6, it makes it a 6 roll on a 2d6, so you fail nearly every morale roll.

Damage all around

My Hussars and Dragoons were only disordered, one of his units was wavering and the other one disordered. The Portuguese cavalry fled and was wavering (off camera to the south).

The Portuguese Cavalry reforms at a great distance, as the Dragons recover and the enemyt cavalry routs!

I'm not sure how it happened, but the end result was my Hussars and his 2 units of Dragoons routed, my Portuguese were wavering some distance back and my Dragons were disrupted.

The Dutch light cavalry run down the Spanish irregulars.

He still had a light cavalry unit in reserve, who turned around and ran down the irregulars. Irregulars hit in the flank or rear get -4 dice...which means they get NOTHING

Lesson learnt- don't let irregulars gets charged in the flank or rear. I wasn't too distressed, I was happy to get his cavalry away from my disrupted Dragoons to their south.

My Dragoons move into position to charge in his infantry line in the flank.

His light cavalry reformed far to the rear, and I had 1 turn to charge in.

Overview of the battle

With the cavalry fight over, his infantry line advanced, but it was slowed down by the rough hill he was on.

My Portuguese cavalry were still wavering on the far left, and they were too far away for a commander to rally them for the rest of the battle.

I should have advanced my right flank and shot his left flank to pieces! Being on the rough hill cuts their firepower down by half.

His right wing division advances

Skirmishes advance!

I had 10 skirmish dice to his 9. I really needed a light infantry unit with the division to get 5-6 more dice.

He wins the skirmish fight!

Despite have more dice, he got 2 skirmish marker on my units. The skirmish battle is vastly improved over FOGN - it's a separate fight and if you win (5+ per dice) you get a marker on the enemy unit (they trade 1-1).

The skirmish fire makes my units disrupted

With a skirmish marker on each unit, I needed to make a morale roll on both...and I failed on 5+ 2d6. Meaning both units are now disrupted and get their firepower and charging cut in half!

Volley fire

I'm not sure what happened here, but I think we got into volley fire range with some of the units.


My Portuguese unit on the left was wavering and had a skirmish maker on it, one of his units in the centre was disrupted.

My Dragoons were now in a position to charge his line. They were spent but had recovered their morale. His cavalry was behind but a turn too late to stop it. My left unit was wavering with a skirmish maker on it, one of my centre units had routed, and his unit north of it was disrupted. My turn to shoot, charge and I can roll up his entire division! 

Now witness the firepower of a fully charging brigade of SUPER SHOCK HEAVY HORSE with no stopping and no pausing! 

Post battle note: I THINK I could have wheeled the unit AND charged. Dammit. 

Night falls! What!? Battle over

 ...and the tournament organizer came over, said something...and was game over. I didn't get a chance to do my last turn :( I missed the last turn to get a win :(

A video of what probably happened to stop me putting my plan into action:

I lost 15 points to 10. One more turn ::(

The enemy army list

See my earlier posts here and here for post game thoughts. 

I do think the new rules are vastly improved over the old ones!

Friday, 28 July 2023

Hornby buys stake in Warlord Games

 They bought a stake in it, and will presumably by the rest soon. Allegedly it's with VC money. 

Prediction: The Warlord games we know is now doomed. The owner is cashing out.

A lot of the not-popular games (aka anything except Bolt Action, Black Powder) will be killed. See: the sale on now,

Epic scale might die too, I have no idea how popular it is.

A lot of the old hands will fade away.

They might try and make Bolt action as a alternative to Warhammer 40K. The VC's will see all the money GW is making and want a slice of that pie. They might even try making a home grown version (Yes I know about Gates of Antaras. I've never seen anyone play it) It will not work (Sadly, because GW needs some competition).

Enshiitifcation will ensure. That's Capitalism. 


I wonder if the company will be dead before I get around to putting together my epic scale Waterloo and ACW armies. 


Thursday, 27 July 2023

History-Maps: Battle of Waterloo

History Maps: Battle of Waterloo

 I wasn't aware of this website, but the story has extra details I had NOT read in multiple accounts of the battle, such as when Wellington's aides were killed(!) and the role of the Dutch Cavalry. 

I really want to be able to do a wargame level display of each part to show off and understand the rules better.

I just need an entire French, Dutch and Prussian Army....

They also have a Peninsular War and others relevant to my interests.

Tuesday, 25 July 2023

Litko Unit Markers

I bought some Litko counters for my army...and sadly lost them. So I bought brand new ones! They arrived 1 day too late for the tournament last week 🙁 These counters come in lots of countries and you add text to the bottom. I thought they might work as unit flags too, but mounting them on a pole might be too hard for me. I think I must just put them behind each unit.

Compared to a 15mm flag unit:


The problem I have as using them as a flag is a lot of units like light infantry and cavalry don't really have flag bearers to attach them too. 
With all the units being hard to identify at 4 feet above the table, I will be using them for the next tournament, assuming I don't lose these ones too.

Monday, 24 July 2023

Steven Spielberg and HBO doing a 7 part mini series about Napoleon based on Kubrick's script.


Steven Spielberg and HBO doing a 7 part mini series about Napoleon based on Kubrick's script.

Maybe having a game with Napoleon's name in the title would be good timing? I like the one that I heard at the Tournament! 
Part 1: Growing up and getting teased about his accent. They will regret this.
Part 2: Revolution and giving them a whiff of Grapeshot. Touloun.
Part 3: Taking over a dispirited, hungry army and winning glory in Italy.
Part 4: Emperor!  Master of Europe! 
Part 5: A growing ulcer in Spain. More battles across Europe. Love story around here somewhere.
Part 6: The greatest mistake you can make: marching on Moscow. 
Part 7: Escape from Elba, 100 days, Waterloo and ending in St Helena. 

What is Napoleon about?
According to an archive of the research behind Napoleon, Kubrick wanted to film an expansive look at the French commander's life, from his birth in 1769 to his death in 1821. A pretty hefty task, all things considered. Kubrick was voracious with his research into the figure, with mountains of books and annotated notes from researchers he sent across Europe left behind.
Whether or not this newly developed version of Napoleon will stick to Kubrick's vision remains to be seen, as it's often said that the finished product of Kubrick's films rarely matched his initial scripts. Still, the unfinished work has such fan lore surrounding it that true to intention would probably be wise.

Further thoughts post July Glory is Fleeting tournament, and the winning army list

More conclusions:

- An attacking infantry division in the lead needs superior, or even better, veteran superior troops, with rear support (either a large unit in column or a 2nd unit behind it). They can thus withstand moving into 6->4->2 inches (taking 2 turns before being able to being able to volley!) to volley before charging. I cannot charge if the enemy is not disrupted by either barrage, skirmish or volley first.

- If veteran superior, this will also give them enough morale to perhaps not need a charismatic commander.  

- Only charge disrupted or wavering enemy units!!!

- An attacking infantry division requires 2 attached artillery batteries to clear enemy cavalry who have chosen to stand around in front of them. I cannot advance into volley range (and be charged if they pass a command test) unless they are out of command points...and a competent general will always have one.

 - A flanking division is too large and unwieldy. I should attach a light unit to each division and use that to win the skirmish battle, along with 2 skirmish detachments per division.

Sunday, 23 July 2023

Post Tournment thoughts of the First Glory is Fleeting tournment:

Post battle thoughts:

So I played 2 games of my first Glory is Fleeting tournament. I couldn't play both days as my partner wanted to get a book on Young Talent Time. I never watched it when it was on!

There was about 16 people playing today, and 3-4 other wargames going on - I would have liked to see how the Waterloo board game was going but was too busy. 

First game was vs 1815 British-Allied. Surprisingly good heavy Belgium Cavalry won the day and my loss 15-10. I didn't break, but we ran out of time one turn before I had a chance at getting a victory. I think I was too timed with the light division, The 95th rifles were a disappointment again with them playing no part in the battle. Neatly half of both armies didn't have time to participate.

I discovered the irregular infantry caught in the flank or rear by cavalry disintegrate and have 0 dice to defence against it. Whelp. Though it didn't change the battle much.

The second game vs 1805 Austrians, and was another loss, though in this case my army broke. I chose to advance VERY fast which caught the enemy off guard. I routed about 3 units of the enemy, and I had him - all my units had skirmish control of the front line and most of his front line infantry units were disrupted. I'd held off his heavier cavalry with a lot of luck and his flanking attack was a turn too late to stopping me rolling up his army,

And then he made morale recovery rolls out of 6 for 6 and his entire army recovered. Meanwhile the next turn every morale I roll made (6 out of 6) I failed. 

I should have committed my spent cavalry but I gambled he would fail his reaction toll to counter charge my infantry going in. The dice failed. My luck had deserted me and I went on to fail nearly every roll afterwards.  It was like I was playing a Fighting Fantasy gamebook and I had tested my luck one time too often. Once again I was ruined by a flank attack. He went on to win 2nd place in the division thanks to my defeat, so I was playing a general well above my level!

I got to meet 2 of the NZ designers of the new game edition. Now that I've thought about, I think the new name of the game they had thought of IS better. Don't want to spoil it though.  

At least in both games my lighter cavalry division was able to beat or fight to a draw the heavier enemy cavalry division, but was unable to either exploit the success or help the infantry battle afterwards. 

Thoughts about Glory is Fleeting the new game:

With the game pretty much ready to be released, I am MUCH happier with the rules. As a game designed for club or pick up games, over 120+ army lists (that don't have special rules your opponent needs to memorize like GW games!), a straight forward but also deeply historical system, I think the rules mostly just needs an index.

I told the designer from New Zealand (sorry I forgot his name) I would love to see an annotated text explaining why does X rule exist and how Y rule can be seen in actual historical battle Z. The rules actually encourage historical solutions to battlefield problems...even if some of the problems I do not yet know how to solve with an army based on the strategic and logistical situation the Duke of Wellington found himself in Portugal in 1810 which are NOT the same limitations every other army has. I apologize for asking so many questions while you were trying to eat your lunch.

I can understand completely why it wouldn't be included in the rule book, but would make an excellent teaching aide. 

There was one rule for bombardment in the second game that's apparently listed on the Quick Reference card but not in the rules, and one in the rules not on the QRS.

I also like the new name someone else has given him to use instead of Glory is Fleeting: I hope they actually change it to it new, even if it does sound like something like a steampunk version of a Mission Impossible movie.

Initial Lessons Learnt after Mistakes Were Made:

Unless the enemy is disrupted by my skirmisher advantage, I cannot go into an assault. I doubt I will ever have the ability to defeat the enemy cavalry to win a victory with it (I can get a draw or hold them off, but I cannot defeat them to ensure a victory), and I can't move forward into volley range without getting shot to pieces by heavier artillery or veteran infantry. I *can* win the skirmish battle but I need time for that to wear the enemy down and usually in the battles I don't have the time to do it. I advanced as fast as I possibly could short of a frontal attack, and still would have been at least 1 turn too slow (except the enemy flanking attack was unlucky to arrive for a turn). 

The light division was disappointing both games. In one it did nothing and the other the 95th superior veteran rifle light brigade didn't do much as larger non-rifle unit would do. I should see about swapping them for just light infantry or even British foot guards (who would be cheaper at a small size!). Maybe increase them to a large unit and drop the Loyal Lusitanian Legion (who never seem to be very useful, despite effectively being as special forces in reality). I also at one stage TOO MUCH skirmish dice to do anything useful with. Despite fighting unreformed infantry, 3 enemy light units with some attached cavalry was enough to break my skirmish control later on.

The veteran artillery in the heavy dragoons super heavy shock cavalry didn't do anything, but it's only useful vs infantry in square, which did not happen in either game. I should probably put the artillery in a artillery brigade like everyone else seems to, but it just seems wrong. Note neither army I played today had one (!) but I think most  other armies I saw did. Also, nearly every other army was bigger than the two I fought. One Turkish one has a 132 (!!??!) break point.

I need at least 1 more charismatic commander to help rally troops and if I have the heavy dragoons I need a Brilliant Commander with them for the bonus to attack and the bonus to rallies. In the 2nd game they helped defeat one large cavalry unit, but spent the rest of the game wavering and never recovering. I think having one unit of Super Heavy, one of light and one cheap crappy one is the way to go. I cannot see how it would possibly work with a mixed division with only one cavalry unit and 2 squadrons of attachments in the same division. I have yet to see an army without a heavier or equal sized cavalry division than I have and the terrain can never be assumed to be able to guard one flank without it (which is what Wellington did in the actual campaign)

The Highlander unit was disappointing - it either needs to be another large unit or drop the superior level of elan. Having a divisional reserve is good- in the second game it was crucial for both armies, but it can't work as a high quality one I think.  By the time you need it (because other units are wavering or routed), it's, too late or or too hard to maneuver the unit where it needs to be to act as a divisional reserve.

The large infantry units were able to maneuver this time - maybe I should make them having superior elan instead of having a separate unit. Being large they can bring their own rear support too for assaults.

The redoubts and conscripts did what they needed to do, though played no part in one battle, they held the LOC.

The Spanish Guerrillas were useful as a distraction in the first game (before being run down by some spent enemy cavalry, and still kept the enemy unit busy for 2 turns doing it) and were useful as a reserve to hold the LOC in the second. 

 In the second game, half the light division was stopped by a single light cavalry unit standing in their way. I need more artillery in the 2nd (light) division to do anything about that - I think it's going to have to come from the cavalry division.

I should have asked before the game started what the ending time would be- the first game I was stopped from getting in some charges that might have won me the game.  

In the first game, I made the elementary mistake of fighting on the crest and forward edge of a hill. No wonder I lost- Wellington would be dismayed to see such a use of British Napoleonic Infantry. 

I really need to get flags on my units. And do it somehow without using the existing flag poles that will snap off when I do.

Back to the drawing board for the army. Now that I have some Spanish units, maybe I should try 1812 Anglo-Portuguese Superior Veteran Elite army with a cheap Spanish division to bolster the army numbers.  

What I was able to get ready after staying up till 2am for the GiF tournament

Build 2 redoubts (build, undercoat, paint, flock) - Got the base painted.

Base and Paint 8 skirmish figures (Some rifle, light, British, Portuguese and Spanish) - got 6 done.

Base and paint 3 competent Division commanders with one figure on the plate. - Not done

Paint and flock the bases of a a brigade of British Infantry  - Done!

Buy(!) 16 figures, undercoat, paint, base and flock a brigade of Spanish Guerrilla infantry - Done!

Took 3 hours or so. Glory awaits!

Saturday, 15 July 2023

I got to Eurekaminatures with 1 minute to spare

So after a child's birthday party, I drove across town and reached eurekaminatures a minute before they closed.

Sounds like it was a slow day, and I wish I could have got there sooner to talk to him for longer.

As is, I was able to get my 16 Spanish guerrillas and another 8 British Light Infantry (he was OUT of standing and kneeling riflemen!). The 16 will be for a brigade of Spanish guerrillas and the 8 for skirmish markers. I really lucky he was open still and I got a bonus on the light infantry!

I cannot recommend Eurekaminatures enough, even if their website hasn't been updated since 1994.

He said some New Zealanders are coming next Friday to presumably come to the first Glory is Fleeting tournament - I hope to see them and play some different people there!


 Now I just need to the army finished....

Friday, 14 July 2023

Things I need to paint before next week

 So my first GLORY IS FLEETING (aka FoG 3rd Edition) is next week, and I really want go.  I got my army together last night and discovered a tragedy: my Litko chips showing unit names have been stolen by a Corsican Rogue and cannot be found. I am heart broken.

However, I've ordered more (I doubt they will arrive in time) but I worked out what else I had.

Part 1: Clean enough space to work on stuff!

Part 2: So to get my army to a good standard, I need do the following:

    Build 2 redoubts (build, undercoat, paint, flock)

    Base and Paint 8 skirmish figures (Some rifle, light, British, Portuguese and Spanish)

    Base and paint 3 competent Division commanders with one figure on the plate.

    Paint and flock the bases of a a brigade of British Infantry

    Buy(!) 16 figures, undercoat, paint, base and flock a brigade of Spanish Guerrilla infantry.

    Write unit names on the underside of every unit so I know who is who! I spent an hour just trying out    which battalion belonged to which brigade and still ended up with 6 mismatched units I don't know who they belong too.  Maybe I'll do 3 colours to show them?

    Paint some civilian figures, base them on the LOC and paint and flock that.

    And I need to do it all on Sunday. I  doubt very much I'll actually finish it.

Thursday, 13 July 2023

1st world problems: Litko edition

 I had bought in the middle of Covid 20 Litko Faction Tokens for my British and Portuguese units.

There's the first ever Glory is Fleeting tournament next week...and I can't find them :(

My heart is broken and I've ordered replacements...but last time it took 1-2 months for them to arrive :(

They look really good too.  

I'll have to make sure I get some photos AND make sure I put them with the army next time.