Sunday, 22 December 2024

Actual Platoon ToE and WW2 training videos

It annoys me that I can't make a platoon with sections because the special weapons like ATRs and Mortar's go off on their own team, though I can see why they do it for the game. But I should be able to split the LMG off with 2 other men, and have a smaller section of 4! And a full section is 8 not 10. 

British WW2 Training films from AWM


I presume the 1941 Australian Infantry Platoon was setup the same way. Google is fucking useless at finding it though.  I suspect they lack the bicycle in the desert. 

Universal Carrier handling and what they carry and act. 

Bren Gun use. Interesting it has a tripod for ground use that NO ONE EVER MENTIONS. Only German GPMG's ever get that talked about! Granted it's not belt fed but you probably get as much rounds with quick magazine charges. 

 British and German tank identification, but includes information about their practice. 

Using the 3-inch mortar. Interesting it has  6 man crew, not 3 as in the game, though 2 of them act as a spotters.  The smoke screen would cross the entire table, which I guess is is why it's nerfed in V3.

100 years of British Army organization

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