Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Future blast/wavering/disorder markers to order?


I need to buy some disorder and wavering counters,. I'm currently using glass beads I had, but I think the're a bit ugly on the table, even if I was using red ones for damage.
I COULD either make my own, use some printed cardboard ones or buy some plastic ones, but I've found THESE. 

From www.budsblastmarkers.com I think I'll order 10 yellow and 10 red ones for disordered and wavering. I don't know how you change the battery (or which battery they use? Coin ones I'm guessing?) or turn them off and on again (just remove the battery?) but I think they would look MUCH better than anything else. One issue is they may be too big. I will have to find out.

Another option is LITKO markers like this:

Other tokens I should get. Annoyingly, they don't have a wavering one. This would look a lot better than glass beads!

Unoffical Field of Glory tokens 




Blue, Black and Red Disordered:



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