Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Places to post battle reports too - am I missing someone?

 I'm re-posting links or copies of the battle reports to multiple places, but I wounder if there's anywhere else I should.

  1. The FOGN official forum (full copy)
  2. The Something Awful Historical wargames thread (full copy)
  3. The Miniatures Page forums - Napoleonic Battle reports, FOGN forum, Australia wargaming, 19th century battle reports (Link and description only)
  4. FOGN Facebook page. (Link and description only)

Lead Adventures don't seem to get much battle reports and I'm afraid mine are too long for a full post and a link wouldn't be appreciated and be treated as an advertisement. :( 

Reddit wargames and wargaming posts get maybe 1-2 visitors and there doesn't seem to be much point in posting battle reports there- no one ever comments or bothers to click the link. :(

edit- I'm going to post updates on dakka dakka.  Maybe I'll get some more comments on there.

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Thank you for the comment on my blog! May your dice never desert you and your tactical abilities be as good as your posting is! Never stop posting.