Thursday, 4 February 2021

More units from Stonewall have arrived - Basing started

 One day after the last lot arrive, the 2nd group did. Only took 2 weeks to arrive from England.

One Division on their bases.

1 British Battalion. I did the Grenadiers and Light infantry the right sides this time
Lots of flash on the underside, though only took a few minutes to file it away.

One broke off the base but I was able to reglue it. I don't expect it to last long though.

I'll have to cut off the front bayonets again. I should put them further back so they don't overhang the front.

2 Battalions and 2 Guns

Light Infantry Battalion

6 Pounder Royal Artillery Cannon

Light Infantry in Line and Skirmish order - enough for a small unit and 2 skirmish attachments

This time I'll base them and THEN put the wash over, and use a light brown wash. Time to get the army painter washes out. 

Also I need 36 more magnetic bases from And that's just for the army I can now build, though I still need to get another 50-70 for my French OPFOR army.


  1. Good to see. I “found” your blog via TMP which I no longer have an active account with, so wanted to say “hi” and the project is looking good.

    As a result, I have ordered some figures from Mark at SW to see if I can get a game going

  2. Good luck! It's more expensive than the base models, but I saved vast, many weeks of work ad hours of time. Washinng ad basing is a lot easier.


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