Saturday, 18 January 2020

After buying a Divison of figures, I worked out I messed up

I spent $105 at Eureka Miniatures yesterday buying my first division of troops.

And I've worked out I messed up the amounts. A large brigade would be 4 battalions, and a small one 2. The best way I can show that on the table is to have 1 Sargent per battalion.

Also, the rifle companies/detachments need a light company Sargent, and I want 4 Light and 4 Greneider's instead of 2 in the flank companies.  This will make them stand out more and help break up all the normal troops.

I got 3 different wounded for the Disordered/Wavering/Routing but I also need another 1x3 to represent "cannot move forward". This one would, be perfect.

Also, it sums up my feelings when I worked this all out. I can't get out to Eureka today and it's another month before they open again :(

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