Wednesday, 29 January 2020

My first Brigade- the 21st Portuguese Infantry Regiment (work in progress, half way through it's base coats)

My first Brigade

From this distance it's hard to tell how bad it is

Very bad

I think 18mm is too small for me to paint
AB British Peninsula army figures from Eureka Miniatures in Melbourne.

Bases are Magnetic ones from Olympic games in QLD.

Citadel Base paints. I really should get some contrast paints instead. 

Well, here is my first Fields of Glory Napoleonic (2nd edition) brigade.  The 21st Portuguese Infantry Regiment. So far half painted with base colours. I'm up to the 2nd blue pot for the water skin. With my poor eyesight I find it very hard to paint the small parts, and only my Citadel Starting brush is any good, and it's fraying now.

They are a lot harder to paint than my old 40K Imperial Guard army, though I can paint a lot more quicker. 

I've broken off one bayonet so far :(

I have 10 brigades to do, and less 6 weeks to buy and paint them. I think I'll be borrowing an army for it still. 

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